New Mills u3a Home
Activity Groups
and Newsletters
Contact us


New Mills and District u3a are affiliated to the national u3a.

We offer members the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, interests and enthusiasms with others and learn from each other in friendly surroundings. We are entirely run by volunteers who organise and provide interest groups. No qualifications are needed to join and there are no exams, it simply involves learning for pleasure. Costs are low because our activities are organised by our members who share their skills and expertise.

New Mills and District u3a has around 500 members involved in a wide variety of activities. New members are always welcome.

Click to watch
u3a video
made by the national u3a

Do Something Brilliant Today

This is a new film about the u3a can be viewed on the u3a YouTube channel.

How to join

New members
information pack

Annual subscription

Please contact our membership secretary if you require any further information.

The membership secretary's e-mail address is   membership@newmillsu3a.org.uk

An information pack is available for new members and you should receive this with your membership card.

The information pack contains:
  • contact details of committee members
  • contact details of group leaders
  • information about the  various interest groups

The annual subscription is payable by the end of March each year.

Membership Renewals

Membership Renewal forms have been posted to all members, along with information about how to pay. Please pay by 30th June.

When renewing membership by post you must return your renewal form (which was posted to you).

If you want your membership card posted to you, please enclose an SAE with your renewal.

Gift Aid

Gift-aiding your subscription brings us over £1,000 a year from HMRC in tax refunds. Please let us know if your tax situation has changed and you either now wish to opt out or opt in to Gift Aid, by emailing the Treasurer (treasurer@newmillsu3a.org.uk).

Data Privacy

Read our Data Privacy Statement.

March 2024