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MEETINGS: Once or twice a month on various days to minimise recurrent clashes with members' other commitments.

We are always happy to welcome new members. None of us claim to be experts but try to puzzle our way to the names of the organisms we find. If you are interested in joining us or want more information please contact us.

We usually meet at the Co-op car park, Church Road, New Mills at 10 am. The number on walks is limited only by having enough seats in cars. Attendance varies with members’ diaries, inclinations and the weather (we are sensible people, not masochists).

Come and join us. There's no limit to the number on the mailing list.



Tuesday 25 February 2025
Carsington Water

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 25 February at Carsington Water. The reservoir is managed for wildlife by Severn Trent with help from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. The area provides a wide variety of habitats from open water to mixed woodland, so there should be good numbers of birds and some early Spring flowers. Alongside numerous waterfowl and waders, various gulls have been reported recently. It's also a place to see the rare willow tit if we are lucky. The Great Northern Diver and the Red-throated Diver are still being reported, as is a Ring-necked Duck.

Meet at New Mills Coop car park for a 10.00am start.

Please let Fred or Dave know if you are attending.

2025 Meetings

Wednesday 12 February
New Mills - River Goyt and Peak Forest Canal
(morning walk)
Tuesday 25 February
Carsington Water
Thursday 13 March
Reddish Vale
Sunday 30 March
Parkgate and Burton Mere RSPB
Monday 14 April
Upper Goyt
Friday 02 May
Coombes Valley RSPB
Thursday 22 May
Longshaw area
Tuesday 10 June
Hartington Meadows
Monday 30 June
Lathkill Dale
w/c 07 July
Nightjar walk
(evening walk - day depending on forecast)
Monday 21 July
Tideslow Rake
Friday 15 August
Tittesworth Water
Wednesday 3 September
Millers Dale

For previous years outings
click on dates below







February 2025